
25 Songs Challenge- Day One


Hey there friens!~

 So to kind of boost content on this blog, I decided to take the 25 Songs- 25 Days challenge! Every day there will be a new song from me with some theme pertaining to that particular song. Let’s go!

 Today is day 1! A song from my childhood…


ohhhhh my god..

 Alright so the song i’ve picked for today is of course “hot potato” by the Wiggles. I remember spending hours watching the Wiggles day after day, immersed in..well, whatever they happened to be up to at that moment. 

 I’m not sure why I was so entranced by the Wiggles. I just know a lot of others were too. I feel like if I put the song on at three am, however, it would be very interesting.

 Here’s a link for you all to listen, if you haven’t somehow already heard this song.



Random Thoughts- November 3rd, 2016

 Herro friens,

 It has been a while, hasn’t it? Sorry. A lot of things have been going on recently. Some good, some bad. I had the pleasure of meeting someone I really look up to, and have for a long time. And well, he said he wanted to be friends. It made me really really happy! :3 

 There’s a new video on my channel. It’s on a bit of a serious topic, but it will explain why I haven’t been updating/uploading as much recently. Please go check it out if you have time.

 It’s funny haha. I’m skipping first period to write this. I don’t know, I just didn’t feel like being anxious for an hour and a half this morning, I guess. I may get in trouble but.. ;-; nyeh.

 Anyways. Doctor Strange comes out tomorrow!! I am SOO excited to see it aah. Benedict Cummberbatch is one of my favorite actors, of course. I’ve heard a lot of positive things about the character, and the movie. Speaking of, I wonder what it has on rotten tomatoes if anything yet. Let’s see…ahhh. It comes out tomorrow but right now it’s sitting at a 91. I always get mad at some of the critics like “It isn’t logical at all but neither is the mind attracted to this junk.” bitch, you don’t know me. I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN.

 … sorry. (Not really) Dayum, that’s salty. Anyway, have a good day, everyone! A review of the movie will be up on my channel! :3

-Chloe Nightingale

 Current favorite song: Mayu-” I fall down” 

Random Thoughts- October 10th, 2016

 Herro friens!

 After going through a bunch of depression-related things and a break up, I am back! (well, the break up happened this weekend so i’m still in recovery mode but.) I am happy to be able to feel like myself again. When it comes down to it, I am a very clingy and somewhat needy person. (Especially when it comes to relationships). That being said, I need a loving relationship where I can feel like I am worth something to someone, and feel like I am good enough. So yeah.

 Depressing things aside, I am super excited because Natti offered to have me join a group collab channel called City of Lost Souls! It’s actually a really good channel full of really nice people. Natti is super chill and i’m really happy to be her friend. Also, I found out that she knows Social Repose! She was in one of his videos even. That’s so cool ah xD. I’m actually going to go to the “Somewhere before Christmas tour” in November, and I got the VIP so that I could talk to Richie. Honestly, based off of what Natti has told me, I want to get to know him as a person and be friends. I feel like we are really similar and we would get along well. I don’t know if it would be possible but. Maybe? Hopefully? 

  Anyway, don’t forget to check out the COLS channel and subscribe while you’re there. 🙂 Have a good day friends. 

 Current favorite song: Pacify Her -Melanie Martinez 

 -Chloe Nightingale

Random Thoughts – September 26, 2016

 Herro friens~

 How are you today? Good? I hope things are good.

 I don’t think i’ve mentioned how much I like Social Repose yet what is this. OK. So he’s a youtuber right? But he is really cool and I admire him and and his music is good ok. I’m not obsessed or anything..ha. But I do admire the effort he puts in to his youtube, and I hope that mine will grow to his level someday. 

 Anyway, I got off topic. Basically I mentioned him because I got tickets to the SayWeCanFly/Johnnie Guilbert tour. (Social repose will be included as well). I am so so excited ah. 

 The Harley outfit is coming along nicely by the way. (If you want pics check my  snapchat x.xchloekittyxx) I’m so excited to get the heels for some reason. I don’t know, I just really wanna wear them cause they look cool. Her whole outfit looks cool duh but the heels especially.  

 Ok I don’t know what else to say sorry. baaaaaaaaai~~

 – Chloe Nightingale

 Current favorite song: The Maw by Social Repose

Random Thoughts- September 23, 2016

 Hello friens!!

 So it’s officially fall now! Huzzah! Also, happy Friday. If you couldn’t tell, i’m in a pretty good mood today. Firstly because Fridays mean weekends, and weekends mean down time. (This weekend does, at least. Yay for four-hour shifts at work!)  

 Anyway, can we please discuss fall now? I really love fall, and I know it sounds basic af. Pumpkin spice is seriously the best though. Like what’s better than pumpkin spice? Wait, pumpkin spice cookies. Now i’m hungry ugggG. 

 I’ve been having some pretty bad issues emotionally lately, so that’s why there hasn’t been another youtube video up for a couple weeks. It will for sure be up some time this weekend, so look forward to that? If you watch my videos, that is. It’s just an about me tag because I figured it would be good to let people know more about me considering I just kinda appeared on youtube and was like “Hey i’m emo” It’s sad, but true. My first video is possibly the most cringy thing ever, i’m hoping my more recent videos aren’t like that though. 

(Also, pumpkin bread. And pumpkin pie. annnnd pumpkin spice lattes. Sorry, i’ll stop now.) 

 In other news, I have about two weeks until I get to go see Bastille yay! I’m pretty excited and i’ve kinda been listening to Wild World for the past two days. That and Panic! at the Disco. 

 Because I joined Brendon Urie’s cult ya know so hey gotta keep on top of dat good music there. I also recommend you join the cult. It’s pretty chill, we got cookies and stuff. 


P.S. the Cancer cover is actually really good. 

– Chloe Nightingale

Current favorite song: “Lethargy” by Bastille

Random thoughts- September 19, 2016

 Herro there, friens

 Ok, so I haven’t been updating this as regularly as I had originally planned. (sorry :c ) Things have been just sorta tough emotionally as of late. Anyway, people keep telling me I need to watch Hannibal. I think it’s on netflix? *Casually watches it for 10 hours straight and emotionally has sympathy for a cannibal/serial killer*. 

 I’m behind on youtube videos as well. Grr. 

  Oh! Small update, my hair is a different color again. Or..color(s)? It was originally going to be a really light blonde, kinda like Draco Malfoy’s. I ended up having a lot of leftover red in it from a couple years a go when I dyed it like a dark dark purple so. That shiz is hard to get out, let me tell you. So basically it’s like silver on top and blonde on the bottom. That’s because my stylists chose to put purple toner on top and blue on bottom to cancel out the orange tones. So..technically I do have Draco Malfoy hair! It’s just on top. Ha. 

 In other news, if you haven’t heard, i’m planning to cosplay Harley Quinn this year. (For con and Halloween). I’m pretty excited for it. 

 Have a good day! :3

 – Chloe Nightingale. 

 Current Favorite song: Johanna (Reprise) Sweeney Todd – movie version

Random Thoughts- September 13, 2016

Hello there, friends!~

 I am in an unusually good mood today because of a new relationship, yay! I am actually not one for relationships..mostly because I am not good at them. However, I decided it would be beneficial to me to try again. So that’s what i’m doing. :3 This person is particularly special, so I have faith that things will work out. 

 In other news, happy Supernatural day!!~

 I love Supernatural more than I love a lot of things, in all honesty. Supernatural is just such a good show. (Not to mention everyone in the cast is pretty much god-like). Misha Collins is such a precious bean ya gotta admit. If you watch SPN, who is your favorite character and why? My favorite character is Castiel because he is just so precious and smol. I don’t know how else to describe my reasoning, I am just drawn towards him. Perhaps it is because of his childish nature? Something I can relate to, I suppose. 

 Something else, I will be uploading a new video at some point tonight! I don’t have to work, so that allows me to spend more time editing and uploading which is really nice. (And, of course, watching SPN because I still need to catch up ug. I’m on season 11). 

 Anyway, that’s all for today. :3 Hope you have a good day, friens! 

Favorite song today- “Fake It” -Bastille

 -Chloe Nightingale 

Random Thoughts – Sep. 8th -2016

Hey there friens

 Today has been pretty uneventful. I was supposed to go to school but called in sick because I have been hella exhausted lately tbh. Still trying to get used to the whole work and school thing. I watched Sweeney Todd today for like the mililonth time. It’s still amazing. Like seriously, I will never get sick of it. I just love it so much. *Cries in emo* 

 Ok but really, admit that musical is genius, and the movie was great too. Then again, seeing Alan Rickman made me sad. :c nyeh. In other news, I will not be able to upload a new video tomorrow because I was so tired today. I didn’t get around to filming. Sorry ;-;. I will be uploading again on Tuesday for sure. 

 Also, i’ve talked a bit about this on Snapchat, but if you guys ever find LED speakers with water in them you must buy them xD. You will not be disappointed, trust me. They are soooo cool aah~ ❤ 

 Favorite song today- “Keep Myself Alive” by Get Scared. 

 Have a good day/evening! 

 -Chloe Nightingale 

First blog post!! :3

This is the excerpt for your very first post.

Hello there, friends! :3

I suppose I should start out this blog with an intro of some sort. Hi! my name’s Chloe. I’m currently a senior in high school. I’m possibly one of the weirdest people you’ll meet, and I mean that in a ..hopefully good way? I’m pretty shy at first, but when you get to know me i’m a little crazy. I am HELLA into music. My favorite genres include alternative rock, metalcore, pop punk, goth, emo,etc. (Yes, you could very well label me as “emo”). I am also an enormous nerd. Like seriously, I can guarantee that I probably have at least one fandom in common with you.

Umm I play Guitar and Ukulele. I love to sing and act as well. Netflix binges and video games are pretty great too. My dreams are to be in the entertainment business, specifically either being in a band or being a youtuber. And on that note, I would love if you subscribed! My channel link is listed here:

youtube channel

Anyways, my goal is to update this blog daily if possible. (Did I mention my favorite song changes like all the time?)

Currently it is “Follow you” by Bring Me the Horizon.

Have a good day, friens!

-Chloe Nightingale